Saturday, February 16, 2008

crime scene investigation

Saw this in the snow this morning. The large OWL that hangs out around here at night must have swooped down and picked up his late night dinner. One wing hit the snow. What you can't see is the rabbit tracks leading up to the point of "impact" and then just STOP...


Thief in the night???

One of Liz's sisters at our Super Bowl party was surprised by this four legged guest, when she went into the garage to get some beer. This is actually a pic of the second one we had in there in less than an hour. I shot the first one, picked it up (by the tail) carried it out to the nearby field and threw it over the fence. Did the same to this one and when I got to the fence, the first one was gone... soooo... THAT'S why they call them oppossum!!!
Picture of the picture Liz spotted at an antique store in town. Like a good soldier, I raced down there and got it just in time for her birthday!!! Now it can hang over OUR mantel for a few years.