The trip to Superior for '09 included new crew on Sails Call since Liz decided not to sail this year. Barb, Lynn and Ray signed up early, prepared well, and made sure there were no dull moments... Lynn started the trip by handing each of us on the boat a white T-Shirt with the Sails Call logo printed on it, plus a personalized log book to record our thoughts. We never missed a happy hour and I think once we may have even started early! We were also joined by Jim and Janet Jensen our neighbors and hopefully now friends from Lake Pelican. They were in their Catalina 25 and named "Jim.n.I. Two days into the adventure we were also joined by our loyal sailing buddies Eilert and Mary Helm. They were on their McGreggar 20. We visited 5 islands and went to the top of the lighthouses, hiked lots of trails, met some interesting follow sailors and ate 'til the cows came home. You can get more detail if you click on the following.